Eating healthily is important to living a healthy life.
As part of the Healthy Holidays Hull programme, we will be bringing you lots of exciting and tasty healthy eating ideas and advice that can be enjoyed by all the family. You will find lots of tasty recipe ideas and activities on these websites.
The Healthy Lifestyles Team have put together a mouth watering set of delicious and healthy recipes for you all to try, starting with the basics needed to get started, progressing into full meal ideas and finishing with a lovely sweet selection of dessert ideas.
Click on the image to open up the recipe booklet.
Find out more about the Healthy Lifestyles Team by following their Facebook page here Healthy Lifestyles Hull | Kingston upon Hull | Facebook

Find more recipe ideas on the websites below!
Better health recipes - Recipes - Healthier Families - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Easy ways to eat well and move more - Healthier Families - Home - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Food a fact of life- recipes and free teaching resources for children aged 3-16 - https://foodafactoflife.org.uk/
HENRY- recipes, top tips and activity ideas - Recipes | HENRY
NHS- Eatwell information - Eat well - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
NHS- The eatwell guide - The Eatwell Guide - NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Love Food Hate Waste- Recipes and tips on eating on a budget and reducing food waste
Simply Veg - struggling to get your child to eat vegetables and worried about the increasing cost of food, visit the website below.

Healthy Easter Eggs
Create fun creatures with simple and healthy boiled eggs for little children this Easter. They’ll love helping you make an edible spring scene and enjoy one of their five a day at the same time