Welcome to Healthy Holidays Hull
A huge range of activities, free of charge, for children and young people across the city.
Sports, crafts, music, fun and food!
Why not try something new with your family and friends in your local area?
Make sure you don’t miss any important news and updates by following us on Facebook , Twitter and Instagram
The buttons below represent the different areas of Hull, North, East and West. The SEND button has information on services specifically aimed at children and young people with a special educational need and/or disability.
Find details of summer activities and events being delivered in the North Hull area between Monday 25th July and Friday 2nd September inclusive, not including the Monday 29th August Bank Holiday.
Within the directory you can search for activities by name, type of activity ie swimming and location. Please note, bookings can not be made via this website so please use the details in the listings to contact the organisers directly for more information on sessions times and dates and to book your place.
This year Sportsability are our strategic partner delivering a wide variety of sessions aimed at children and young people with SEND and their families. These include swimming, multisport activities, dance, rock climbing, music and crafts. Your child does not need a diagnosis to attend these sessions.
Summer activities will take place between the core dates of Monday 25th July and Friday 2nd September inclusive, not including the Monday August 29th Bank Holiday.
You can find out more information via their website here.
Find a list of sessions and booking information here or access via the QR code below.
All bookings to be made online. If you need support accessing the booking system please call Sportsability, their number is on their website.